Friday, July 29, 2011

Zentangle Challenge #32

Carole Ohl (Zentangle artist extraordinaire), the guest Diva for this week, has invited us to use four different tangles any way we choose. I have looked at a lot of the other entries and been dazzled! It's been fun to try out some new tangles, and to think about them for a while before I started playing -- in the shower, while driving, in bed before I go to sleep, etc.! Thinking about Zentangles is almost as much fun as doing them, but not quite! The tangles were Pais (by Mikee Huber), Zedbra (by Laura Harms and Margaret Bremner), Keenees (by Donna Hornsby), and Baton (by Carole) and you can find instructions on how to do them at You can also see entries from all over the world, with interpretations that will make your heart happy! Just click on each person's name and you will see their blog.


  1. Love this! I love how balanced, yet lively it is! I love the Keenees dancing in the space.

  2. Wow. This looks a bit organic! I would have thought that impossible using these 4 tangles, but you carried it off very nicely.
