Sunday, August 21, 2011

201 - 204 Fun Things to Do!

201. Identify the trees in your neighborhood. Most of us got that assignment when we were little kids. We got tree identification books and roamed around looking at leaves and even making a notebook. I bet there are trees in your area that have been unnoticed by you. Go out and make friends with them!

202. Hug a tree! I know this is not for everyone, but there is something very comforting about hugging a tree. I love palm trees, but since they don't grow in Ohio when I get near them when I travel, I have to show my appreciation. If someone is with me to take a picture, all the better!

203. Make up a word. Sometimes we make up words by accident, and sometimes on purpose. I remember when I was dating my husband Tom how hard I laughed when he was ordering pizza and he told them he wanted to place a "gorder" -- that is a to go order. The other day my daughter was describing being all bunched up in bed, so she had to "uncrankle" herself to get up. I was driving down the street and saw an streak of a cloud in an arc, and thought of a "cloudbow".

204. Issue fun points. If you know someone who is having a rough time, or is feeling a little low, you can give them fun points. For example, if someone has just changed jobs and they are making the adjustment, you could give them 25 fun points to spend any way they want. They are in charge of how they spend their fun points -- it might be 3 points for going to a lecture at the library; 2 points for getting ice cream; 2 points for 1/2 hour of reading, etc.

205. Give yourself fun points! The other day I had a really tough meeting, so I gave myself 20 points. The first thing I did was head to the movies to spend 3 points, because that is one of my most fun and relaxing things to do. I was discussing the pros and cons of one movie over another with the manager of the movie theatre, and told him that I'd had a really bad afternoon. He said -- would your day be any better if you got a free movie ticket? So there I was in a fun movie, eating ice cream (2 more points), just a few hours after a crummy meeting, spending a few of my fun points with a much improved mood and attitude.

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