Thursday, September 6, 2012

404 - 406 Fun Things to Do!

404 - Take photographs of some of your favorite flowers in your garden!  Every morning during Morning Glory season, I march out my front door in my pajamas to say "good morning" to them.  I get lost in their radiance!

Then I move on to greet and appreciate my Black Eyed Susan hanging basket, and my fabulous hot pink Mandevillas.

This morning I was greeted with 15 Heavenly Blue Morning Glories!  The gorgeous twirly buds are so stunning to me.  I am a lover of buds, and the Morning Glory buds are tied with the Black Eyed Susan buds for twirling magnificence.  My friend, Sally, introduced me to the exotic Mandevillas -- a plant I never thought would thrive in N.E. Ohio, but it does!

The memories of these flower-filled mornings and these photographs will help get me through the Winter!

405 - Send an email to your friends including wonderful photographs of your flowers.  Today is my dear friend Susan's birthday, and since she lives in Florida, I can't coordinate a fabulous celebration for her, so I am sending this photo of Black-Eyed Susans to her.  They can sing "Happy Birthday" to her in her imagination!  And if I can catch her by phone, I will read Happy Birthday to You! by Dr. Seuss to her with great enthusiasm!

406 - Send photographs of your favorite flowers by text to your friends who can't see them in person!  My friend, Liz, lives in Washington state, so it was fun to send her a text with some photos this morning, so she can be in my garden with me a bit, without really being here.

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