Saturday, December 31, 2016

717 - 730 Fun Things to Do!

517 - Use buttons to highlight your artwork.  Make sure you use good glue so the buttons won't fall off.  For some reason, I just love buttons, new or old.

518 - Find a playground in your neighborhood and have some fun.  I enjoy this the most when no one else is around (except a friend) so I can be as silly as I want to be.

519 - Take a nap at an illegal nap time!  That could be an hour after you get up in the morning, in your car on your lunch hour, while you are procrastinating, or whenever you feel like it.  I have been doing illegal naps for years, but got the term, illegal nap, from The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha.

520 - Collect books from favorite authors so you can read them again years later.  I have a whole bookcase that is filled with books by my favorite authors -- Julia Cameron, Studs Terkel, Carl Hiaasen, Carol Shields, Isabel Allende, Hunter S. Thompson.  I have read most of the books, but I enjoy knowing that they are mine, and I can read them again any time I want.

525 - Keep packing bubble wrap so you can pop it whenever you want.  It's also good to have on hand when kids come over and you want to impress them since you might lack age appropriate toys.  I have never met a child (or adult) who didn't like popping bubble wrap.

526 - Play the board game, Monopoly.  It can be engrossing for hours, but be prepared to be gracious when one of your opponents starts building hotels.  

527 - The TV isn't working, the laptop is on the fritz, your alarm clock is inoperable -- unplug (then replug) -  or reboot them and enjoy the happy relief of this simple and free fix!  Hooray!

528 - Create a theme for a day -- food, music, play, anything you want.  Plan things throughout the day related to your theme.

529 - Take all of the furniture out of your living room, play some great music, and have a dance party!

530 - Read the Sunday paper/s in bed -- you could even eat your breakfast while you are reading.

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